
Let Go Because of Our Kids

Let Go By Family, Friends & Others

The shame, the pain, the bleeding are all real.

When we are cut loose.

Because of a diagnosis or two. Maybe also some developmental delay, maybe some different behaviors. But no one is in danger. And the diagnosis isn’t “catching”, nor will it rub off on anyone else.

But still, #LetGo by those with whom we thought we had a connection.

By extended family who can’t understand nor offer help.

This may have happened to you, especially in the first days.

I was wrong to hope, to assume unaffected family could understand.

Dangit, I couldn’t even understand what was happening. So, realistically, why should I hope or expect extended family to help save the day?

How about being let go by friends – still very painful, and yet more easily understood, perhaps.

The Shame and Pain of Being Let Go

And how about when we are let go by others:

Schools, worship, neighbors, acquaintances, business, and others we thought were in our community.

At our house, we have recently been #LetGo by our piano lessons on-the-go, home-delivered.

Out of the blue, right after a public recital,

minutes after I gave the teacher her Christmas gift in cash.

It’s one thing to expect it, to see it coming.

Much worse when it comes out of the blue.

When you don’t see it coming.

And yet, rejection is a part of life.

Sometimes you know the reason;

sometimes you don’t.

If we think it is because of our kids with learning differences, because of their behaviors or someone’s bias, it hurts keenly.

Because it is less our kids’ “fault”.

And more the diagnosis and the struggles that accompany.

If it were just about us as adults or as parents and not about our kids, we could probably more easily process the #LettingGo.

Because we are supposed to be able to handle stuff like that.

The rejection becomes intertwined, us with our kids.

Hard. Painful. Shaming.

Can we overcome and rise through it?

To serve our kids and our new village?

Find our new purpose, reclaim our joy?

Again be glad for the journey?

So important. #LessThanEasy.

Peace be with us,


Mom. Educator. Advocate. Ally. Consultant. Activist. Team Builder.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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